Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Update on a few randoms

We got our garage door fixed Tues morning. It was cheaper than we were thinking! YAY!

We finally got our memory foam sleep number bed installed on Tuesday as well! I'm in love with it so far. I actually wake up feeling like I have slept! It is really nice.

Allisyn had her check-up on her teeth before her surgery. Michael got to take her on his own because I had to wait on the bed people. Hopefully they will stay in the condition they are because if they wear down any more, they may not be able to do the procedure on all 4 teeth.

This weekend we are going on our class retreat with our class from church! I'm excited about it all except for the travelling part. I'm praying that miss Piper's naps will coincide with the trip. We shall see.

Allisyn is starting to "write" she has made some pretty good A's and T's and D's. She also makes a pretty good heart for being 2. She still doesn't enjoy sharing dad, but the fits are getting less extreme.

Piper is 8 weeks today! It does NOT seem like it has been that long since she made her arrival. She holds her head really well and really focuses in on things. She has been doing this for a while and I keep telling her to slow down since she is my last baby! She doesn't seem to care! She is finally starting to fit into 0 to 3 month clothing a little better. They aren't falling off anyway, they are just baggy looking.

The past two days Allisyn took a nap on her own, but it isn't looking too promising today. I can still hope!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I did it! I got myself and both girls ready and we got to church on time. Actually we made it a little early! WooHoo! I've only missed one Sunday because Michael had to work. All his other Sundays that he had to work he worked the later shift and made it to church in the morning. But we did it! Allisyn did really great. I was really heartbroken to hear that she cried during the play time in Toddle Time. She would have been just fine if she would have stayed with me, but I thought she would want to play. Next time, I'll check on her before I go back to worship.

Other news, Murphy has visiting us. With Allisyn's surgery approaching and the costs of that coming up and the hospital bills coming in....our garage door breaks! Thankfully, it let me out on Friday, but it would not let me back in. It is so broken, it won't even go up manually. We have to get it fixed soon, because it so much easier for me to let Allisyn loose in the garage to get in the car. She can't go anywhere! She has been doing good so far, but I don't want to press our luck.

We did get really luck last night. Allisyn has taken to picking up Tiger, one of our cats. He usually does really well with just putting up with it and not responding to it too much. Well, last night I guess she just had him in position he did not feel comfortable in and he scratched her with his back claw. Right over her eye. You can tell she closed her eye because one of the scratches goes across her eyelid and near the corner of her eye. Thankfully it missed her eye and thankfully Michael was home to help calm her down.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sweet Big Sister

I haven't blogged much lately because I would just be complaining about Allisyn's horrible sleeping habits. Like waking up at or before 3 am and staying awake until after having a meltdown about how dad had to go to work.

But last night, even though we all ended up in bed a little on the late side, we all slept through the night! YAY!! Michael also had the day off. Double YAY!!

So this morning we got the house picked up and then Michael took Alli to Incredible Pizza. Thursdays they have double your money on your play. So they went and played for a couple of hours and Alli of course got tickets. With her tickets she got Piper a little stuffed bear. It is really cute because she thinks Piper needs to have it with her at all ti mes.

Allisyn still has major meltdowns at times when it comes to sharing dad. Right now, she is actually okay with Michael holding Piper. But usually it is "I want my dadda back." or "Dadda hold her, Alli. Momma hold Piper." This often times accompanied by throwing herself on the floor and crying hysterically.

We have Allisyn on a waiting list for a Mother's Day Out. She is the first on the list, so hopefully we will get her in soon. I think it would really be good for her.

Well Piper is giving her Dad a rough time....gotta go rescue him!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

3 am

That is what time my wonderful little Allisyn woke up this morning. Despite the best efforts of rocking and cuddling between me and Michael, she did NOT go back to sleep. That's right. She was awake for 7 hours before we got to church for our Mom's Bible Study. Thankfully she didn't cry too much when I left. I felt really bad for the baby-sitters, but they didn't say she was horrible.

Thankfully she came home and took a 4 hour nap. I seriously would have lost all grasps on sanity if she hadn't.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Here are some pictures as promised. I will try to do better about posting them more often. The last 3 were taken Sunday and yesterday. I was a great mom and left my camera at home today when we went to the fair. I've been kicking myself for it ever since Allisyn's priceless expression about the children's zoo.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Allisyn can now open the refrigerator by herself. She has been trying for a while now, but today is the first day I have noticed her being able to do it. This is fine when she has a cup of milk waiting on her. Not so fine for just about every other reason she opens the door. I lost count of the number of times I had to get up in the middle of a nursing session to remove her from the fridge. Good times.

Another wonderful point in our day....the mail. Normally not so bad, but today it was awful. I'm getting sued by some guy who I hit in a car accident two years ago. Actually I didn't technically hit him, I pushed the car I hit into him. The damage to his car was very minimal. I was told my insurance agent the only reason he is suing is because his lawyer didn't get everything taken care of within the 2 years allowed by the law. So now I have to try to remember all the details from the accident for the law firm who is representing me through the insurance. Did I mention that I was in my mother-in-law's car? So really it is their insurance. It didn't even total out her car. Anyway I got the forms from the law office today.

We also got the packet from Allisyn's pediadontist for preparation for her oral surgery. We got our medical insurance to cover 80% of the anesthesia (Praise the Lord), but somewhere between our last visit and when these papers were sent out, our responsibility for the procedure jumped form $600 something to $1600 something. Ummmm, HOW???? Needless to say there will be phone calls made to discuss this.

I'll put up some new pictures this week. Sorry I've been slacking on that!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We are HOME!!

There's nothing like coming home after being away for a few days. We survived our trip home. Our trip there, Piper slept the whole way and Allisyn cried most of the way. She was mad about having to be in her seat. We had to stop along the road to change her diaper. A highway patrol stopped to make sure things were ok. She waited until we were just past the midway McD's to say she needed changed. When we got to my aunts she was so wired she didn't go to sleep until after 2am. It was great.

Saturday was a day spent with Pap-paw at Great Grandpa's. Alli had my dad crawling around and playing "where's pap-paw" with newspapers. Allisyn definitely has her Pap-paw wrapped around her little finger. Of course pap-paw and great grandpa were enamored with Piper. They have this endearing quality of just sitting and staring at their grand daughters when they are infants.

Sunday we had a small shower with family and friends. We got our double stroller!! We put it to use at the Tulsa Zoo yesterday before we went to Michael's parents. It is nice to have! We survived dinner at Michael's parents. They have really cleaned up their house. The changes are like they had been visited by Clean Sweep. Seriously, it was a shocking. I no loner have the excuse of their house is too messy as a reason for us not going over there.

Our trip home started out as unpleasant. Piper screamed until we stopped just before getting on the turnpike. Then screamed all the way to the first stop on the turnpike. She finally fell asleep at that stop and they both slept the rest of the way. Today was spent recuperating. Michael goes back to work tomorrow and I'm sure Allisyn will be upset, but we will get through it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

We are off!

For the weekend. To see our families. YAY!! Right? We are praying the travelling goes well. Piper does not like the car so we are leaving at night hoping she will sleep.

I should be helping Michael get the car ready.... I'm doing that now.

Monday, September 1, 2008

What was it like?

To have somewhat normal sleeping habits? I'm not even sure I remember when the last time we had normal sleeping habits. Here lately Allisyn has been waking up every morning with Michael at 5 or so. This morning she was up before him at about 430. Then she will stay up for a while and then go back to sleep. Sometimes sleeping in until 11! Of course naps are just about unheard of and if they do happen, they usually happen later than we want and on our way to somewhere. I'm not the kind of mom who will try to keep her exhausted child awake, and yes we have tried using Benadryl to help her sleep better at night. It doesn't seem to help her much.

Piper, on the other hand, sleeps GREAT! We might have periods of night that she wants to be awake and needs company, but she sleeps in nicely in the mornings.

I know I need to try to get us on a better schedule. But right now Allisyn's sleep patterns are so off and it leaves me so tired it just hasn't happened.