Monday, February 9, 2009

6-Month Check Up

Piper had her 6-month appointment today. It was kind of weird because I called to make the appointment today and got in today! If I had been calling because one of them were sick, do you think I would have gotten in so quickly?? Anyway, we did get in and it went well. Michael arrived just in time for shots, but I still got to hold her during poke time. It wasn't too bad. She only fussed for a few seconds afterwards, then she wanted dad.

She is weighing in at 17 pounds and 6 ounces. This actually drops her into the 50th percentile for weight. Not a cause for concern or anything.
Height....she is above the 97th percentile at 28 inches!!
Her head circumference is 44cm (17.32 inches)- I'm not sure what the percentile is, our Dr just said she still has a big head!
She has been rightfully cranky since waking up after getting home, but hey she got poked 3 times!
Here are a few more pictures that my BIL, Steve, took a few weekends ago!

Some funny Alli stories...

She loves to make things for us, pictures, "breakfast" and "dinner", buckets of dirt. The conversation usually goes...
Alli: "I made for you!"
Me or Michael: "Thank you!"
Alli: "Do you lub it?"
Us: "Yes, I love it! It is beautiful!"
Alli: "Thank you! Want some more?"

She loves to help in the kitchen, any time we show signs of doing anything, she pulls up her chair. "I want to help you! I want to help you!"

She continues to be a wonderful big sister! This morning I was picking up the house and Alli had a mirror up to Piper's face saying, "Who's so pretty? Piper's so pretty!"

She always has to give Piper kisses good night and good morning. Good nights are whenever she goes to sleep and good mornings are whenever she wakes up!
Well Piper is wanting to play pass the baby, and it is my turn!


Lisa said...

What beautiful photos of the girls! I lub them.

cleancup said...

Your family is beautiful.

Pardon my lack o'geographical knowledge, but did you guys get hit with a tornado? I was (mostly not) listening to the radio this morning and I swear I heard "Oklahoma" and "tornado" in the same sentence...

Natashia said...

Piper is so adorable and I love the Alison stories. She is really growing up and getting big.