Monday, November 16, 2009

When it rains...

Yesterday we found out that my cousin was killed in a hunting accident. I'm terribly sad that it happened, but my biggest heart ache in this lies with his dad. My uncle James is the one that survived the head injury and has used it as a wake-up call to turn his life around and serve God again.

Right now he is going through so much. He can't get a job until his workman's comp lawsuit is settled. He just lost his brother and now he learns of his son's death. They were nor close by any means. His boys live in Montana and haven't given much of an effort to stay close. Still, this has to be a huge blow. So please lift up a prayer for my uncle James that he may be able to find some peace in all of this.

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1 comment:

Lea said...

Oh, that is so sad. James sure is going through a lot right now. I will definitely say a prayer for him.