Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I had to clear out my card before we left so I decided to go ahead and put up some pictures before I left!

I'm still here

I know I haven't blogged much lately. Not really sure why. Everytime I go to blog, I decide that I really don't have anything important to say....

My last blog was about how I was glad to be home and this on is about how I don't want to leave home! HAHA! The girls and I are heading out this afternoon to my families. Michael will be joining us Friday night. Good times!

Allisyn has been telling me all morning about how she wants to see Pap-paw. I keep telling her we will see him tomorrow, but she still wants to see him RIGHT now.

Piper has found her toes. It is really cute. I will have to post pictures. When Allisyn found her toes she would bend over to them. Piper brings hers up to her mouth while she is laying down.

I went to see Twilight. The evening was good because I got to go out with some wonderful people. The movie...let's just say it left a LOT to be desired. I have been told it is better the second time around and I get to find out.... Why, you ask? Because that is what my little sister wants for her 21st birthday present. For me to go see it with her again. I'm not sure who said that my sister could turn 21, but we need to have a serious conversation.

Anyway I will be gone for just under a week. I hope everyone out there has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Glad to be home!

So the girls and I went to stay with my family for a few days. Michael thought he was going to be working a couple of days of doubles. He ended up just working one, but we decided to go ahead and go stay with my family. It was good and bad.

The good was getting to see family. On Thursday we spent the day at the farm. My grandpa and step-grandma had a full house. My daddy, aunt Kathy, aunt Lea and her two boys, me and my 2 girls got to enjoy some wonderful food and great times! We got to pick some pecans, go for tractor rides. Allisyn got to see cows and Pap-paw's new horse. It was good times.

Wed, Thurs, and Friday afternoon we hung out with Katy and Mam-maw. Thursday we got to see my grandma. We missed out on getting to spend time with just her on our last trip, so it was really nice.

We always stay with my Aunt Sandy. She is really great about helping me out. Like at 145 in the morning when both girls are crying and needing attention. Luckily that only happened once. Piper was a great sleeper like always for the rest of the time. Allisyn, on the other hand....let's just say we could use some divine intervention.

I got to hang out with my sister some. We went in search of an Entertainment Weekly. The podunk towns of OK do not seem to carry them. It is featuring Twilight this week. She is an BIG fan of all things Twilight. It was good to spend time with her. We left the girls with my mom and Aunt Sandy. They did the unspeakable and went and got my grandmother. I do everything I can to not submit my daughters to the torture that comes along with being around her. Yes, I know that sounds horrible, but I promise you, it is for the well-being of my children.

So we had a pretty good trip for the most part. After a rough drive back, we are very glad to be back home with Michael, and he is glad to have us back. I wish he would have cleaned up a bit, but he is a guy right?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A quick catch up

Yes, I know I just posted 5 posts of pictures. Did you look at them at all? I'm catching up for slacking off with posting pictures. I have actually posted the last 3 picture posts with a sleeping Piper in my arms. Not an easy task.

Halloween went well. Allisyn did where her costume! As you can see in the pictures. Piper of course wore hers. She isn't at an age where she fights on too much. Just the car seat. She has started arching her back when we put her in. She will arch even more when she wants you to get her out of it. It is really cute.

Yesterday Allisyn had a pretty rough day. She decided it would be fun to go roar at a sleeping Paju. Hopefully she will remember the pain of getting scratched by Paju's back claws and won't do it again. Then she decided she was coordinated enough to carry some of her dishes down the stairs from her kitchen. She was about 4 steps down when she lost her balance and tumbled down. I walked in as she was falling. She got her first goose egg. It actually went down pretty quickly.

We are going to be going up to stay with my family for a few days. Michael is picking up some doubles and he works evenings until Sunday. I can honestly say that I don't really want to go. I'm not looking forward to the travelling alone, but I know it will be easier on Michael and Alli. Michael so he can sleep. Alli so she can have interaction with other people instead of just mom. That and if there was a day when Michael was gone for over 14 hours. She would NOT want to go to bed any time soon after he got home.

Anyway, I may not blog while I'm gone, but I should have more pictures when I get back. If I get around to posting them. Now I gotta go, my arm is screaming because it is asleep from holding Piper in the same position for so long!

Pictures 5--Piper

These were taken about an hour ago. Allisyn was napping so she had Daddy's attention all to herself. She was just a laughing and smiling at us! She is now 12 weeks old! Where did the time go?

First time in the jumparoo!
Of course Allisyn thought she had to help!


Again, the pictures our not in the order I want, but oh well. This was at Haunt the Zoo.
Piper got tired and passed out on us!

One of the pictures with the head piece up.

In the long line.
Who wants to look at dad when there is so much other stuff to look at?
Did I mention how thrilled I was that she wore the costume? I was elated!
Not on my head!!

Pictures 3 - Alli

Hanging with Dad!

My new teeth!


Their favorite state of dress. I'm in trouble!

Pictures 2!!

I can't get the pictures to move where I want them so they are out of order. This is at the Children's Museum. Michael took them there by himself and I met them there.
This was at home. She was sitting in the chair talking to me!

A trip to the zoo with a bunch a friends from church. I think someone said there were 20 kids total. It was a good time!

We were trying to get a picture of them all, but it really didn't work out!

At the Children's Museum! She had a lot of fun!

They were in jail. Allisyn thinks whenever Michael kneels down to be on her leve, she has to get on her knees too.

Taken on a family zoo trip. It seemed like she would have been really uncomfortable in the position she was in, but she slept in the sling for a while that way.

Riding the little train with Daddy.

Napping on the couch.

Napping on mom's pillow.


So 213 pictures later, I am finally uploading the pictures from my camera to the computer. HeeHee. Sorry it has taken so long. There will probably be a few posts of pictures so be sure to look at them all!
I don't know how many times a day I have to tell Allisyn to get off her sister! Usually Piper doesn't seem to mind.
Pretty girl!

I'm not looking at the camera, mom!

They absolutely adore each other!

Piper really isn't wanting kisses right now, but you can't ever convince Alli of that.