So today as we are walking OUT of church Michael told me something was up with my skirt. He said, you have a pocket on your hip. Ummmm, what? Yes that is right, I was wearing my skirt sideways. I don't wear it very often so I didn't know there were pockets at all. There are, and they are supposed to be in the back. Not one on my hip and one in the middle of my bum. I am just hoping that no one else noticed. I would hope that if they did, they would have told me, but what can you do?
We found out yesterday that our house can entertain about 52 people. About half of those people were age 4 and under. It was crowded, but it was fun. We were hosting a going away party for some friends who are leaving us for sunny California. We will miss them greatly. We were glad we could open up our house. We both breathed a big sigh of relief when it was over because you never really know how smoothly things will go, but it seemed to go pretty well.
Everyone is adjusting to Sylvester being gone. Thursday and Friday were really hard. Allisyn asked for him a lot and didn't appreciate the answer that he was going to go live with Jesus. She doesn't ask for him too much anymore, but the cats still go around and look for him.
My wonderful SIL gets back in town today and I am going to start trying some the things that can bring on labor. Fresh pineapple, walking, curb walking. Nothing too crazy, but I am READY to have Piper here, and ready to have my body back. Even if we don't have her furniture yet. I'm not holding my breath too much over any of it really working, but I'm gonna try!
Well this was very random, but at least it is an update!
5 years ago
We didn't notice your skirt....but if I had, I would have told you:-) I don't like it when you have something wrong and no one tells you. It is far more embarrassing to walk around like that than to be told about it.
wow! 52 people??? Your house was perfect for it. Thank you so much for hosting...we really enjoyed it. I also did not notice your skirt...
I was pretty sure someone would have told me if they had noticed, but you still wonder!
We were glad we had a good turn out and it is nice to know that our house can handle it!
Thanks for hosting party--great times! I'm so sorry about your cat. I know that losing a pet is really hard.
One time, in high school, there was a girl walking in front of me and her skirt was tucked up underneath her backpack so her panties were showing. I tried and tried to get her attention but never could. All that to say..see, it could have been worse.
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